The Link Between Screen Time and Dry Eye: How to Protect Your Eyes

The Link Between Screen Time and Dry Eye: How to Protect Your Eyes

The Link Between Screen Time and Dry Eye: How to Protect Your Eyes

The Link Between Screen Time and Dry Eye: How to Protect Your Eyes

Many people spend most of their day staring at a computer or other digital screen, leading to the prevalence of conditions such as dry eye syndrome. Too much screen time can increase dry eye symptoms. The eyes need moisture from tears to stay healthy. The tear film contains water, oil, and mucus to keep the eyes comfortable and hydrated. 


Screen Use and Blinking 


Blinking helps spread tears evenly over the eye surface. It coats and soothes the eyes, keeping them clear and comfortable. Studies show people blink less frequently when using computers and other digital devices. 

Normally, people blink 15 to 20 times per minute. During computer use, the rate drops to five times per minute. Reduced blinking means a drier eye surface. You can protect your eyes by remembering to blink often when working on your computer. 


Staying Well Hydrated

Drinking plenty of water is good not just for your physical health but also for your eye health. If you are prone to eye dryness, keep yourself hydrated. Spending hours on your computer can reduce the amount of water you drink, exacerbating dry eye symptoms. Increase your water intake to eight to 10 glasses daily to prevent dehydration. It will protect your eyes and reduce dry eye discomfort.


Follow the 20-20-20 Rule


Extended computer screen use can exhaust the eye muscles. It is crucial to take a break to rest the muscles. You can reduce dry eye symptoms by following the simple 20-20-20 rule when using your computer. 

It means taking 20-second breaks every twenty minutes to focus on an item 20 feet away. It will help provide relief and reduce dryness. You can set an alarm or reminder when working. 


Use a Blue Light Filter


Digital screens produce blue light that the eyes find difficult to process, which can cause eyestrain and dry eyes. While low amounts of light are not harmful, prolonged use of digital screens increases exposure. Blue light eyeglasses or screen filters can reduce your exposure. Blue light can affect sleep patterns, further worsening dry eye symptoms. Blue light filters can allow the eyes to rest. 


Improve Air Quality

Your work environment can lead to a dry eye condition. Air conditioners can reduce indoor air moisture, which can affect the eyes. You can turn down the AC when you need to work long hours on your computer. Consider investing in a humidifier if you experience increased symptoms when using your digital screen. 

Studies suggest too much screen time can change the balance of tear film. People who spend hours on the computer have less mucus in their tear film. If you wear contact lenses, consider switching to eyeglasses during computer use. 

Contact lenses can make it difficult for oxygen to reach the eyes. Lighting, poor posture, screen quality, and viewing distance can lead to eye discomfort. They can cause the eye muscles to work harder. Changing your posture and proper positioning can help reduce dry eye symptoms. 

For more on the link between screen time and dry eye and how to protect your eyes, visit Montebello Optometry, Eye Clinic & Dry Eye Center at our Montebello, California, office. Call (323) 888-9111 to schedule an appointment today.

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